The term “POWERBALL OFFICIAL 2020 WINNINGS” is a kind of malicious spam campaign dedicated to sending phishing email messages to Internet users on a large scale. Titled as ‘Powerball Official 2020 Winnings,’ the deceptive emails distributed through this phishing campaign are masqueraded as the legit American lottery game Powerball. This lottery game is quite popular in the United States as it is offered by the 45 states, the District of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Columbia.
An important point to remember here is that this scheme is nothing more than a scam; the spam emails are in no way associated with the official lottery game and all of the details about the lottery’s winners for 2020 provided within them is utterly false.
The major purpose of scammers behind such spam campaigns is to trick recipients into providing their personal information like name, postal addresses, phone numbers, credit card details, etc. They could send such information to advertisers and data firms or could misuse it to further carry out malicious activities (e.g., fraudulent transactions).
Powerball Official 2020 Winnings: What You Need to Know About this Email Scam
As we have discussed above, this specific scam is masked as an email message from a genuine American lottery game Powerball. Hence, hackers or bad guys behind this lottery scam attempt to fool the users into believing that their email address was randomly picked out to participate in the lottery’s draw of the sum of $500,000. The spam emails inform the potential victims that the prize money will be distributed once the confirmation of the winners’ name is received.
Furthermore, recipients are also requested to send additional information for authorization and claims. It is worthwhile to mention that trusting such phishing scam messages may leave you vulnerable to a multitude of cyber threats, i.e., identity or data theft.
In addition, such spam emails and its attachments may contain malicious hyperlinks to redirect you to unsafe domains to show deceptive ads or pop-ups, download cracked software, run executable files, and so on.
Tips to Prevent POWERBALL OFFICIAL 2020 WINNINGS Email Scam
To protect yourself and avoid infiltration of computer viruses and malware infections through spam mail, users are advised not to open suspicious and/or irrelevant emails, especially the ones that are coming from unknown senders. Furthermore, install a reputable antivirus or anti-malware software and keep them up-to-date to remove the infiltrated malware infection easily and safely from your computer system.