Security Tips

Necurs Botnet - Prevention and Protection Tips

Necurs Botnet is known to be one of the biggest malware distributors and spam emails that the internet has seen in the last few years. It uses a massive collection of cybercriminal-controlled systems to infect computer machines all over the world, hence the name…
Security Tips

Trojan Infostealer: Prevention and Protection Tips

A Trojan Infostealer, commonly recognized as the information thief, is a nasty type of computer Trojan that is designed by digital hackers and programmers to gather and steal valuable information from vulnerable systems without the users’ knowledge. The most common…
Security Tips

The Email-Worm: Protection Tips

Commonly known as an Internet worm, an Email worm is a malicious worm that spreads via emails. It attaches itself to email messages, weblinks, and network sources of third party websites.  The code gets executed when a user opens the infected email attachments or…
Security Tips

The IRC Worm: Protection And Preventive Measures

An IRC worm (Internet Relay Chat Worm) is a malicious program designed to exploit IRC channels to infect chat rooms and message forums by sending infected messages.  Since the IRC channel consists of numerous channels it provides a ready platform for the cyber-security…