Security Tips

The Dangers of Pornography and How to Protect Yourself against It?

Pornography is hard to avoid and protecting ourselves from the dangers of pornography is even harder. Since the cybercriminal is…

5 years ago

What is a Birthday Attack and How to Prevent It?

A birthday attack belongs to the family of brute force attacks and is based on the probability theorem. It is…

5 years ago

What is a Zero-Day Exploit? – Detection and prevention measures

A Zero-day exploit is related to vulnerabilities in device hardware, software, or firmware: these are unknown to the security experts…

5 years ago

What is a ‘Drive-By-Download’ Attack? How Can We Stay Protected?

Drive-By-Download refers to the automated download of malicious and infected code to a user's device by simply visiting a website.…

5 years ago

What is Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) And How to Prevent it?

Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a client-side code injection cyber-attack that exploits web security vulnerabilities. It holds a decade's old history…

5 years ago

What is Data Leakage and How to Prevent It?

Unwanted transmission of private and confidential organization and individual data to an external entity is referred to as Data Leakage.…

5 years ago

What is Cyber Espionage? How to Protect My Privacy?

Cyber espionage mainly targets Government agencies and enterprise-level organizations and aims at stealing their confidential and sensitive data. It belongs…

5 years ago

What is a Buffer Overflow Attack? How Can It Be Prevented?

Anything in excess can result in several issues and buffer overflow is a perfect example of it. Buffer overflows are…

5 years ago

What Are The Most Dangerous Computer Viruses Of All Time?

Computer viruses are specifically designed to corrupt your device and disrupt its overall performance. In simple words, it's a complete…

5 years ago

Be safe: Don’t fall for the fake Windows updates!

Since Window 7 went off from the market in January 2020, cybercriminals have started sending malicious and infected emails to…

5 years ago