Categories: Security Tips

How to Report Cybercrime? Become a Security Hero

Have you ever thought about how you could report Cybercrime? Maybe you or one of your friends became the victim of online scammers. But, if the amount was not too big, you might have decided to do… nothing.

Still, you might have been just lucky. Next time, it may be a lot worse. So, remember that reporting is essential to keep the internet safer for everybody. The first step anyone affected should take is to report these events, as they happen.

Learn how to report cybercrime

You might think it is not your job to do this or might feel helpless if this happens to you, but it only takes a click of a button.

Although it might be difficult to investigate and prosecute hackers, it’s worth doing it. Their activity is usually a cross-border one. Also, they end up disbanding their operations before being caught but launch new ones.

However, many countries around the world allocate significant resources to breaking up these villain networks. And any action regular users take helps them be more and more successful.

The first to turn to are the local authorities – police departments. Your report would usually go to a special department that focuses on cybercrime.

Also, if phishing emails come to your office email address, you should alert the IT department. We told you how you can prevent phishing attacks

The email provider should also know about these, so you should report them. It is easy to do this while using Gmail or Outlook.

Anyway, to prevent it from happening again, you can block the senders of these messages. But hackers usually change these really often.

So, although you block them, it is important to also report them. For European users, here is the Europol’s page to report a crime. People in the U.S. can do it by submitting their report to the Internet Crime Complaint Center

Remember to preserve the evidence

In order to help authorities in their efforts, it is recommended to keep any evidence you might have. Remember to keep them safe if they request to provide them. This might include:

  1. Checks and/or email receipts.
  2. Messages and files.
  3. Any envelopes.
  4. Phone bills, if villains contacted you by phone.

Now, that you know how to act, you can prevent these networks from tricking other users. This will make the online environment safer, and you feel good.


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