Security Tips

Tips to Remove ‘Zeznzo’ Ransomware - Security Tips

Zeznzo (ransomware) is the name of a very dangerous file-encrypting virus classified as a ransomware infection. Like other file-encrypting viruses, Zeznzo is designed to encrypt all types of files (images, audios, videos, and other formats of files) stored in the targeted…
Security Tips

How to Remove ‘Top Movies Links’ Browser Hijacker

The cyber security specialists have determined that the Top Movies Links browser hijacker is designed and created by cybercriminals in order to change the default settings of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and other popular web-browsers to promote the address of a fake…
Security Tips

How to Remove ‘NOOA’ Ransomware - Security Tips

NOOA ransomware is a destructive crypto-malware that belongs to a well-known group called STOP (Djvu). This form of malware operates by encrypting the victim’s files (e.g., documents, spreadsheets, images, audio/video files, etc.) and demanding a ransom for decrypting…
Security Tips

How to Remove ‘Pay Us’ Ransomware - Security Tips

Pay Us ransomware is a type of crypto-virus that extorts ransom money (in the form of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies) from users for a decryption key. Like other viruses of this kind, it penetrates the Windows computer, then encrypts almost all kinds of data and…
Security Tips

How to Remove ‘TheResultsEngine’ Browser Hijacker

TheResultsEngine browser hijacker is a notorious infection that can cause severe damage to an infected PC. Since many people often download/ install infections of this type inadvertently, TheResultsEngine is also categorized as a potentially unwanted application…