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Internet Security Tips

Security Tips

How to Remove ‘Watch-visd.com’ Pop-up Ads from PC

Watch-visd.com pop-up ads come from a misleading/rogue website considered as adware. A group of hackers designed it to trick novice users into registering to its ‘Push Notifications’ or ‘Browser Notifications’ service.  Website creators and developers usually use…
Security Tips

Tips to Remove EveRed’ Ransomware - Security Tips

If you got this file-encrypting virus on your computer, we suggest you follow our guide in order to remove EveRed ransomware and decrypt your files for free. Ransomware is often referred to as one of the most devastating cyber threats, that’s because it prevents users…
Security Tips

How To Remove ‘Shasha’ Ransomware - Security Tips

Shasha ransomware is a type of malware infection that is designed only to extort a huge sum of ransom money by phishing innocent users. Like other ransomware-type programs, the main function of Shasha is to encrypt or lock audios, videos, images, archives, documents, text…
Security Tips

How to Remove ‘MEMZ’ Ransomware - Security Tips

MEMZ ransomware is a hazardous file-encrypting malware infection. It is created by hackers mainly for the purpose of blackmailing users and extorting a huge sum of ransom money. Once inside, this ransomware-type malware employs powerful encryption algorithm techniques…
Security Tips

Tips to Remove ‘FlashTabs’ Browser Hijacker from PC

According to cyber security experts, FlashTabs browser hijacker is a potentially unwanted program (PUP) or unwanted browser extension. You download and install this kind of rough application by clicking intrusive adverts, visiting shady/adult pages, or by other already…