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Security Tips

Tips to Remove ‘TRUST’ Ransomware - Security Tips

TRUST ransomwareis a notorious file-encrypting virus that belongs to the VoidCrypt family. This nasty VoidCrypt ransomware’s variant operates by encrypting all formats/types of files (images, audios, videos, games, spreadsheets, work documents, databases, and other…
Security Tips

How to Remove ‘MoonBrowser’ Browser Hijacker

Our guide below will help you remove the MoonBrowser browser hijacker from your compromised system and restore your default browser settings. If you are here reading this article, then probably your default browser’s search engine and homepage settings are manipulated…
Security Tips

How to Remove ‘IdealHomeGarden’ Browser Hijacker

If your Internet browser is often redirecting you to nasty or shady online sources, you need to remove IdealHomeGarden browser hijacker right away. You may follow this guide to completely remove this browser hijacking application from your system and reset your Internet…
Security Tips

Tips to Remove ‘Pizzaday.xyz’ Pop-up Ads from PC

Pizzaday.xyz pop-up ads that cause unwanted interruption while surfing the web are the result of dubious and potentially dangerous domains. Sharing many similarities with Specific-message.xyz, Red-eye-tube.co, Summermedia.xyz, and thousands of others, Pizzaday.xyz is a…
Security Tips

How to Remove ‘Pay Us’ Ransomware - Security Tips

Pay Us ransomware is a type of crypto-virus that extorts ransom money (in the form of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies) from users for a decryption key. Like other viruses of this kind, it penetrates the Windows computer, then encrypts almost all kinds of data and…
Security Tips

How to Remove ‘TheResultsEngine’ Browser Hijacker

TheResultsEngine browser hijacker is a notorious infection that can cause severe damage to an infected PC. Since many people often download/ install infections of this type inadvertently, TheResultsEngine is also categorized as a potentially unwanted application…
Security Tips

How to Remove ‘GUJD’ Ransomware - Security Tips

Your computer is hit by the GUJD ransomware infection if all your personal and system files got a “.gujd” extension at the end and you are not able to open or access them. Cybersecurity researchers have recently spotted this data locker malware circulating…