You searched for: online hygiene

How To Secure Your Internet Connection? Safety Tips For Home

The way you secure your internet connection can make the difference between a happy online life and a nightmare. Hackers’…

1 year ago

Manage Your Web Browser Security. Tips You Should Know

Web browser security is an important part of online hygiene and it may keep you away from trouble. Although the…

1 year ago

Grandparent scams: How to protect yourself against these?

Grandparent scams become more and more common. This is because these people represent a vulnerable category, when facing the new…

1 year ago

Tips to remove “ Pop-up ads” pop-up ads appear out of the blue, and cover the content on the website a user visits. Some other…

2 years ago

The Most Common Cyber-Attacks To Be Aware Of. Security Tips

The more aware of the most common cyber-attacks you are, the better. No user would ever want to become a…

1 year ago

Abused Google Ads hid malware. Learn how to stay safe

During the last few months, some abused Google Ads distributed different types of malware. Although this might not be the…

1 year ago

Types of Cyber Security Vulnerabilities & Tips to Prevent Them

Cyber security vulnerabilities: Technology has seen a massive increase in the last few decades and online security is one of…

4 years ago